I've just posted on squeakmap a stable release of smallwiki for Squeak
3.6 only, which is basically the same one used for
www.squeak.org. This release is a "one-click" install - "ready for
contribution" release both for users and developers, which means that
you don't need to bother about dependencies. The unstable one - called
Smallwiki - is for Squeak 3.7 and 3.8. This unstable one should
probably be renamed Smallwiki-unstable (sorry, don't have the
login/pass to do it - Lukas ?).
Users : just install this version and follows the instruction in the
smallwiki readme.
Developers : install this version, you will see on monticello all
packages from which smallwiki depends (NamedServices, KomHttp and so
one). The repository is in global read/write access, so you don't need
to ask for permission to contribute to smallwiki. So please consider
that this is a great responsability : you should read carefully the
"how to contribute" proposal (
www.squeaksource.com/smallwiki1). Please
post to the smallwiki list for any comments. The current
smallwiki-stable release is based on the Chris port version 0.9.23-6
whereas the unstable one is based on 0.9.53.
Developers - bis :
How to keep the "one-click" installation both for developers and users
? Answer: When releasing a new SW version, we should for the moment
update the modified package plus its dependent packages - maybe there
is a way to automate (TODO) that through MCConfiguration but I don't
know how to do that. For instance, a modification of SmallWiki-Kernel
implies a dependency update of SmallWiki-Parser + SmallWiki-Stable.
Thanks !