Hi Nicole,
I use pages and internal links for viewing my
I have some picture that must be includes in my text pages.
How can i do this in Smallwiki?
you should have asked this question earlier this week, because I
visited your company with Adriaan on Monday morning this week ;)
Well, Stef already told you how to upload images, so there is only the
following comment to add: pictures are not handled the same as this had
been made with WikiWorks or SWiki. I think the documentation,
even-tough it is quite technical, should shed some more light on this:
How can i remove this resources (not the link ->
the real resources) ?
Go to the parent folder of the resource you uploaded and edit that
folder. There you have the possibility to remove any resource, page,
folder, etc when logged in.
The above explanation only applies for the old beta-version of
SmallWiki, as far as I have seen you are still using that one. I think
you should consider updating to the latest alpha-version as there are
some important bug-fixes and also the handling with resource- and
folder-handling is simpler and more convenient for the end-users. As
soon as I am back from the Netherlands, I will release SmallWiki 1.0,
unfortunately everything has been slightly delayed because of my
holidays. As I won't have time to do that during the coming week
(university starts again, a lot of other work, etc), it definitely
won't be before the next weekend.
Lukas Renggli