There is
something else you might to try: There should be a class
PRMigrations (or similar, I don't have an image to verify) with a
bunch of class side methods that I used to bring the objects along
from the first version of Pier to today. Run #initialize after import
to give it a try. Not sure it handels well a non-incremental change
like in your case, but it is relatively safe to run as it does all
kind of verifications to validate and fix the model.
Thanks, I will give it a whirl.
bummer. PRMigrations does not have anything related to embeded inst
var. I have tried running initialize on it anyway, but it also breaks
on: migrateLinkOwner method. I have executed all other migrate*
methods. Changed all embeded instvars that had arrays in them to
booleans with:
PRLink allSubInstances do: [:link| (link embedded isKindOf: Array)
ifTrue: [link embedded: (link embedded size > 0)]].
Only to move to another problem.
PRPage(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #inject:into:
Receiver: a PRPage[49283072] name: 'mainenvironment'
Arguments and temporary variables:
aMessage: inject: a WAHtmlAttributes() into: [:attributes :each |
(self attrib...etc...
exception: MessageNotUnderstood: PRPage>>inject:into:
resumeValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
properties: a Dictionary(#documents->a Dictionary()
#hideFromMenus->false #loca...etc...
decorations: an Array(a PUSecurity[1069285376])
parent: a PRPage[7077888] name: 'pier'
name: 'mainenvironment'
title: '_Main Environment'
tags: #()
document: a PRDocument[408420352]
Receiver: a PRReferenceRenderer
Arguments and temporary variables:
aLink: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
Receiver's instance variables:
escaper: nil
component: a PRPierFrame
html: a WARenderCanvas
parent: a PRViewRenderer
link: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
Receiver: a PRReferenceRenderer
Arguments and temporary variables:
aLink: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
anchor: a WAAnchorTag
Receiver's instance variables:
escaper: nil
component: a PRPierFrame
html: a WARenderCanvas
parent: a PRViewRenderer
link: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
Receiver: a PRReferenceRenderer
Arguments and temporary variables:
aLink: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
anchor: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
escaper: nil
component: a PRPierFrame
html: a WARenderCanvas
parent: a PRViewRenderer
link: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
Receiver: a PRInternalLink[514588672]
Arguments and temporary variables:
aVisitor: a PRReferenceRenderer
Receiver's instance variables:
properties: nil
children: #()
reference: '/environment/header'
owner: true
embedded: false
parameters: a PRPage[49283072] name: 'mainenvironment'
target: a PRPage[348651520] name: 'header'
anchor: nil
Davorin Rusevljan