I'm investigating using Pier to develop a site
where registered users can
have one or more associated projects. These projects should be bookmarkable.
A good analogy would be the projects in squeaksource. Using that analogy how
would one go about developing something like squeaksource in pier? Would the
page structure expand as users registered new projects?
As I probably reported several times in the past, I've used Pier quite
extensively for a software engineering course here at the university.
At the beginning of the course the students register online at
http://ese.unibe.ch (registration is now closed). They get subscribed
to a mailing list and a page where they are the one one with access is
created. They can use it as their "home-page". Later on in the course
the students are put into groups and every group gets a sub-tree to
manage their project. Some pages are public to everybody, some pages
are visible or editable to certain student groups only, some pages are
visible or editable by staff only, etc.
Lukas Renggli