I'd recommend publishing a pre-built image while you're at it (and
we can link to it from the Seaside images download page).
I will do two prebuilt images : one for 3.8 and one for 3.9 today
or tomorrow. Any suggestion ?
Hep, that Magritte package probably doesn't work together with the
latest SmallWiki. I didn't have the time to test that yet ;-)
> I'd recommend publishing a pre-built image
while you're at it (and
> we can link to it from the Seaside images download page).
I don't know if it scales to have prebuilt images ready all the time?
Loading the SAR-Installer for Magritte from SqueakMap should turn an
"empty" Squeak-3.8 (without many user-interactions) into a useable
environment, without having to load any other package manually. Maybe
the installer requires some more sophisticated code to decide wether
or not a part should be loaded ... right now it looks like:
(PasteUpMorph confirm: ''Would you like to install Seaside?'')
ifTrue: [ self fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed:
''DynamicBindings.mcz'' ].
(Smalltalk includesKey: #DynamicBindings) ifTrue: [ self
fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''KomServices.mcz'' ].
(Smalltalk includesKey: #TcpService) ifTrue: [ self
fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''KomHttpServer.mcz'' ].
(Smalltalk includesKey: #HttpService) ifTrue: [ self
fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''Seaside2.mcz'' ].
(Smalltalk includesKey: #WAComponent) ifTrue: [ self
fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''SeasideAsync.mcz'' ].
(true) ifTrue: [ self fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''Magritte-
Model.mcz'' ].
(Smalltalk includesKey: #TestCase) ifTrue: [ self
fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''Magritte-Tests.mcz'' ].
(Smalltalk includesKey: #Morph) ifTrue: [ self
fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''Magritte-Morph.mcz'' ].
(Smalltalk includesKey: #WAComponent) ifTrue: [ self
fileInMonticelloZipVersionNamed: ''Magritte-Seaside.mcz'' ].
Any ideas for improvement?
Lukas Renggli