I've tryed changing the "style" in
"PRPierFrame" under windows with
'@import "file:/C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\urbach\Desktop
\Smalltalk\Squeak\Pier2\style.css";' for my testbed. If I do this
I've lost the right behavior of the pier look-like. I'm reading the
FAQ on smallwiki-website but can't see anything helps further. Can
anybody take me to the right place?
Is it still a problem for you? Due to a change in my web-server
configuration the files were not reachable yesterday during a few hours.
Note: The latest version of Pier in the Monticello-Repository does
not use the style-method in PRPierFrame anymore, but it uses the
Seaside library PRPierLibrary. So if you update you have to add this
library manually to your Pier application to get any styles.
Lukas Renggli