And then, I wonder if a wiki syntax still makes sense in the long run
if we have a WYSIWYG editor?
Currently the WYSIWYG editor maintains but doesn't allow insertion of:
- definition list and definitions
- preformatted.
- shout code formatting.
- named anchors
- mail to: links
- annotated paragraphs
- value links
- annotations
- verbatim
- tables
- embedded links
The editor could be extended to support the above - (I've experimented with
providing a site map drop-down for internal links within the anchor dialog
in the editor), but it would take some effort and would tie us more to a
particular editor. At the moment I'm using YUIs editor - but most of the
effort has been in the generic HTML parser rather than to a particular
editor. To provide the above within the editor I think it would make sense
to review the YUI editor decision, before committing to significant work
- perhaps there are better options - even YUI has a new editor (v3) in beta
- but it is very incomplete when I looked (no toolbar).
Also it would be good to receive feedback from real-world use first. Can
book content be edited with the Wysiwyg editor? Do people prefer using the
Wysiwyg editor vs the wiki markup.