ok, I tried to update Seaside, installing the latest
ConfigurationOfSeaside30 (ConfigurationOfSeaside30-dkh.148)
and then evaluating: (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30)
perform: #loadLatestVersion.
but I get some WAAttribute not found here and there (I experienced
this behavior before, trying
to to the same).
And as a final results Pier 2 updated don't works.
Do you think I should go back to Pier 1.2 or some image with all the
updated tools will be available soon?
And other question, can you point me some place were the main
differences between Pier 1.2 and 2 are explained?
Thanks and sorry by bother.
2010/5/18 Lukas Renggli <renggli(a)gmail.com>om>:
You also need to update Seaside to the latest