Mhh, I just noticed that there is a possible bug in
MAExternalEditorComponent related to printing one-to-one relations.
This is ready to review in Magritte-Seaside-lr.261.
On Apr 29, 2008, at 17:01 , Lukas Renggli wrote:
| If so, try
| reference: (MAContainer with: (MAStringDescription new
| selectorAccessor: #printString; yourself))
| and implement your own printOn: method in your referenced object as
| you wish.
I've test this solution but d'ont work.
The printOn: method in my referenced object is never call.
I work with vw7.5 and seaside 2.8a1.
This is odd, because it works on Squeak.
Actually in Squeak you don't even need to specify any reference
description, because the default is an MAStringDescription what causes
#asString to be sent to the object.
Since you are on VisualWorks #asString might not work as expected.
Maybe you want to try and implement it yourself on your object and
don't specify any reference description?
I added a test in Squeak that should find that kind of bug.
Lukas Renggli
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...