At 14:13 23/02/2010, you wrote:
I don't think that PRSlideshow has been ported to
Seaside 3 and Pier 2
This is actually why I'm having a look at it.
*Pier-Slideshow-lr.12* seems working just fine, but now I won't have
time to test the animation.
As for *Pier-Slideshow-MMP.13*, it seems more tricky since looks like
there are references to absent methods (e.g. #descriptionLooping &
#descriptionWidth). I couldn't explain that. Maybe I'm missing something.
In Seaside 3 SUElement is called PTElement.
Thanks Lukas! If the *Pier-Slideshow-lr.12* that I've in my current
Pier 2 image, and have a little bit hacked, seems you useful as a
basis for a full port to Pier 2, please let me know to upload it to
your repository (Pier 2).