On 26 sept. 04, at 20:47, Eric Tanter wrote:
stéphane ducasse wrote:
Yes this is something called ImageStriper. Look
in the doc they
explain how to deploy an application.
Ok I'll have a look.
Eric you do not have to have all the cincom
distro but I would
suggest you not to strip the image
and keep the UI so that you can access SmallWiki and load update or
other stuff with the debugger and soon.
Yes but then how do I let smallwiki run in the background, even when
I'm logged out ?
We use VNC to connect and then on unix I imagine that exec does that
for you, running a process that is not killing when you exit
your session
Watch out this is not always as we would like it
to be :)
it seems :(
But stripping in VW works we already did that but this can be painful.
By the way I saw how to deploy an app with
dolphin Smalltalk and this
is was great:
click on button
click on some button
wait 2 min and boom you get either a dll starting at 256k or an
Nice! but this is only for windows, right? something similar for
No this is a pity because they have Windows native widgets and MS
integration. Ok they have 90% of the market with them
-- Eric