Hi Janko,
as you know from past discussions, I am developing a new Smalltalk-Wiki
using Swazoo as web-server. Stéphane Ducasse is starting a lecture the
next week about Smalltalk using the Wiki as code-base for extensions
developed by the students. So what we need urgently now is to get a
public Server running.
Unfortunately we experience some very strange problems with Swazoo: We
are using a Linux box with VisualWorks 7 as server and there seems to
be a problem to connect the server from certain machines. For localhost
and some other external machines it works perfectly.
So what we thought about first, is that it could be an internal problem
of the network of the university (firewall, subnet, ...). But that does
not seem to be the case, as when we set up Apache on the same machine
and port we are able to connect perfectly from anywhere.
What I am doing to start the server is basically the following:
server := Swazoo.HTTPServer new.
server addSite: self defaultWikiSite.
server port: 8080.
server ip: '*'.
server start.
We are unsure about the message #ip: that is not documented anywhere.
To what kind of value should it be set? Or is there a completely
different problem we don't see? Your help is really appreciated!
Thanks a lot in a
Lukas Renggli