El mié, 15-07-2009 a las 01:32 -0300, Mariano Martinez
Peck escribió:
Hi folks! I have a website which is in
development with pier. As it
is in development there was no lighttpd or apache and I wanted them to
wait :) But...In another thread of this mail, thanks John, I just
realised that I want to configure my lighttpd with Pier now. The
problem is that I know very little about lighttpd neither apache. I
want to use lighttpd. But I don't know how to configure.
I saw Miguel (Miguel pensé mandarte un mail privado pero aprovecho que
tal vez le sirve a otro) post here:
and I wonder which is the difference between what
configuration and
the one I need for my pier site. I remove Gemstone and FastCGI from
that post but I add Pier hahah.
I also saw
http://www.piercms.com/doc/deploy but I am using
lighttpd :(
I have lighttpd installed and listening. I am under Ubuntu 8.10.
I want to statically serve:
- My pictures -> I use the gallery plugins. I have those photos
in /var/www/pictures
- All css files. I have my own library for my website which has a
stylesheet. But, what about the others css? should I serve ALL of
them ?
Would love to have them in /var/www/styles/
- All javascript files. The same as above. All js of all libraries ?
Would love to have them in /var/www/javascripts/
- What about the files I upload in Pier and are stored in ~/files
Would love to have them in /var/www/pierFiles
Thanks a lot for the help!
Hola Mariano,
this is what I have in a site in production right now (it is not
$HTTP["host"] == "mysite.com" {
$HTTP["scheme"] == "http" {
url.redirect = ( "^/(.*)" => "https://mysite.com/$1" )
$SERVER["socket"] == "" {
ssl.engine = "enable"
ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/ssl/mysite.com/mysite.com.pem"
ssl.ca-file = "/etc/lighttpd/ssl/mysite.com/gd_bundle.crt"
server.name = "mysite.com"
server.document-root = "/srv/www/mysite.com/"
# We'll use the resources directory to host static files: images,
styles, etc
# Rewrite the URL
url.rewrite-once = (
"^/resources/(.*)" => "$0", # Unaltered
"^/about/(.*)" => "$0", # Unaltered
"^/(.*)" => "/seaside/myApp$1" # Rewritten
# Anything with seaside/myApp pass to Seaside on port 8080
proxy.balance = "hash"
proxy.server = (
"/seaside/myApp" => (
( "host" => "", "port" => 8080)
$HTTP["host"] == "blog.mysite.com" {
server.document-root = "/srv/www/blog.mysite.com/"
alias.url = ( "/wp-uploads/" =>
"/srv/www/wp-uploads/blog.mysite.com/" )
For this I have everything on https and several folders are served
direct from disk on the document root from the lighttpd.
Also, you can have a lot more sites in the same server without problem,
just like the wordpress blog section.
For your case you need something like:
server.document-root = “/var/www/”
$HTTP["host"] == "yoursite.com" {
# We'll use the resources directory to host static files: images,
styles, etc
# Rewrite the URL
url.rewrite-once = (
"^/pictures/(.*)" => "$0", # Unaltered
"^/styles/(.*)" => "$0", # Unaltered
"^/javascripts/(.*)" => "$0", # Unaltered
"^/styles/(.*)" => "$0", # Unaltered
"^/files/(.*)" => "$0", # Unaltered
"^/(.*)" => "/seaside/myApp$1" # Rewritten
# Anything with seaside/mySite pass to Seaside on port 8080
proxy.balance = "hash"
proxy.server = (
"/seaside/myApp" => (
( "host" => "", "port" => 8080)
For the files/ folder I don't know. According to the pier instructions,
the squeak files are stored on /srv/site/ (or /site/srv/, the
instructions have a typo, but imagine that it is /srv/site/)
So you have:
The apache config proxy everything that doesn't exist on seaside/files/
to seaside. That is the reason for the document root for apache
in /srv/site/files/
But in the lighttpd example that I show the logic is, if it is a
specific folder, serve it directly and if it has seaside on it proxy to
Anyway, give a couple hours and I'll send the equivalent exact and
complete config file for lighttpd and pier.
Miguel: it seems you know a lot about this :) Nice explanation.
I will start playing a bit with this and see what happens.
Of course if you send me the example would be a dream, but I cannot give you
a couple of hours but a couple of days even weeks if you want!!!
Thanks a lot man.