On 7/14/07, Rick Flower <rickf(a)ca-flower.com>
Ideally, I use the divs to apply css and might
have for a user record
a box drawn (in css) around the person's address info and perhaps a
different box drawn around other attributes such as account info, etc.
Anyway, I figure I should probably be subclassing something to do this
but thought I'd ask first before I start going down that path..
My inclination would be to create separate classes for the groups of
attributes that you wish to display differently. You'll be glad of it
later for reasons beyond your immediate display needs. And, really,
it's just another code smell telling you that there's objects there
wanting to escape.
Thanks Thomas! One last question (for now) -- If I use two classes
to separate the groups for a single class model, how do I tell Magritte
that I want the first 4 attributes as part of Class #1 and the second
group of 6 attributes as part of Class #2? Thanks!