Lukas Renggli wrote:
You cant
display the command with a different name with PRCommandsWidget
That's true, indeed. But you can with the links.
Whats the | syntax mean? Who implements it?
The links. It is a long existing and under-documented feature. It has
recently seen new popularity with the the value-links:
Some documentation of the | command= feature could be added there. It
looks like that will do the job for me.
It might be an idea to re-architect commands to work on a #model, rather
than themselves. The majority of commands could return #model ^ self ,
but this would allow a command to work on an externally supplied model.
For example "Edit User Account", could be applied to some custom defined
user account model as described by magritte.
Is there a value link option to display structure settings?
For example, I have a PRPierFrameAdmin, which displays using the
original pier look, but it is themable, you can set the color and icon
of the header. Currently these settings are accesed through a special
component for the task.