Trying again from the beginning.
I re-dowloaded the files from
But I got stuck again at the same place:
4. Create RepositoryRoot selecting PRMagmaRepository
There is a magma direectory created, and it contains for files:
applied.images, commitPackages, objects, objects.idx.
Ignoring the error message:
Repository Path Setting: magma
c:\dev\Squeak\SMP\magma\objects not found
I clicked on 'create'. I got:
Outage occurred while writing system-definitions! Will
now attempt to repair.
Clicking on Ok I get again:
MaUserError: fileStream required
The top of the stack is included below.
The generated error is at:
MATransactionalFileStream class
fileStream: aFileStream
aFileStream ifNil: [ MaUserError signal: 'fileStream required' ].
^ self new
setFileStream: aFileStream ;
aFileStream is nil.
The calling method is:
openFile: unqualifiedName
| answer |
answer _ MaTransactionalFileStream fileStream: (directory fileNamed:
ifNil: [ MagmaEnvironmentError signal: 'Could not open files in ',
directory pathName ]
ifNotNil: [ answer binary ].
^ answer
I inspected 'directory fileNamed: unqualifiedName'. It indeed returned nil...
directory is set to DosFileDirectory on 'C:\dev\Squeak\SMP\magma'. As
far as I can see this is correct.
unqualifiedName is set to 'objects'. This also seems correct, and the
file exists.
I attempted to follow the issue with the debugger:
The method MultipleByteStream
open: fileName forWrite: writeMode
fails at:
fileID := StandardFileStream retryWithGC:[self primOpen: f writable:
until:[:id| id notNil]
forFileNamed: fileName.
fileName looks ok but fileID is nil.
Of course at this point the file might be locked from the previous failure...
MaUserError: fileStream required
* MaUserError class(Exception class)>>signal:
self MaUserError
signalerText 'fileStream required'
inst vars
superclass MaError
methodDict a MethodDictionary(#isUserError->a CompiledMethod (1830) )
format 140
instanceVariables nil
organization ('as yet unclassified' isUserError)
subclasses {MaClientServerUserError . MaHashIndexUserError .
MaObjectSerializationUserError . MagmaUserError}
name #MaUserError
classPool nil
sharedPools nil
environment a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category #'Ma exception handling-exceptions'
traitComposition nil
localSelectors nil
* MaTransactionalFileStream class>>fileStream:
self MaTransactionalFileStream
aFileStream nil
inst vars
superclass MaObject
methodDict a MethodDictionary(#bePhysical->a CompiledMethod
(2620) #binary->a CompiledMethod (3812) #close->a C...etc...
format 142
instanceVariables #('filename' 'fileStream' 'guard'
'uncommittedSize' 'position' 'writers')
organization ('accessing' bePhysical committedSize
copyToDirectory: physicalStream writersDo:) ('filestream api'
subclasses nil
name #MaTransactionalFileStream
classPool nil
sharedPools nil
environment a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category #'Magma server-recovery'
traitComposition nil
localSelectors nil
* MaObjectFiler>>openFile:
self a MaObjectFiler
unqualifiedName 'objects'
answer nil
inst vars
directory DosFileDirectory on 'C:\dev\Squeak\SMP\magma'
file nil
preMadeObjectBuffer a MaObjectBuffer oid : **invalid**
classId : **invalid** objectInstSize : **invalid**
filePositionIndex nil
usedByteArrays an Array(a ByteArray(0) a ByteArray(0 0) a
ByteArray(0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0...etc...
primitiveAttributeAddressesMap a
Dictionary('anchorOid'->43->64 'booleanFlags'->10->8
'classDefinitionsOid'->27->64 'definitionOid'...etc...
* MaObjectFiler>>openObjectsFile
self a MaObjectFiler
inst vars
directory DosFileDirectory on 'C:\dev\Squeak\SMP\magma'
file nil
preMadeObjectBuffer a MaObjectBuffer oid : **invalid**
classId : **invalid** objectInstSize : **invalid**
filePositionIndex nil
usedByteArrays an Array(a ByteArray(0) a ByteArray(0 0) a
ByteArray(0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0...etc...
primitiveAttributeAddressesMap a
Dictionary('anchorOid'->43->64 'booleanFlags'->10->8
'classDefinitionsOid'->27->64 'definitionOid'...etc...
* MaObjectFiler>>open
self a MaObjectFiler
inst vars
directory DosFileDirectory on 'C:\dev\Squeak\SMP\magma'
file nil
preMadeObjectBuffer a MaObjectBuffer oid : **invalid**
classId : **invalid** objectInstSize : **invalid**
filePositionIndex nil
usedByteArrays an Array(a ByteArray(0) a ByteArray(0 0) a
ByteArray(0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0) a ByteArray(0 0 0 0...etc...
primitiveAttributeAddressesMap a
Dictionary('anchorOid'->43->64 'booleanFlags'->10->8
'classDefinitionsOid'->27->64 'definitionOid'...etc...