For instance,
I have a Questionnaire and QuestionnaireView, which renders
(it's children) Polls using Vote command. How can I show this at the main
page of my site? Or how to do this some other (proper) way?
I'm not sure but I would try:
1) Implement a method #accept: in Questionnaire
Questionnaire>>accept: aVisitor
aVisitor visitQuestionnaire: self
2) Implement PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire:
PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
self visitCase: aQuestionnaire
3) Implement PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire:
PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
"do whatever you want with the 'html' instance variable and
'aQuestionnaire' questionnaire"
Nice instructions, thank you. I'll try it this way
Dennis Schetinin