after some fiddling I managed to run SmallWiki 1 in headless mode with
VisualWorks. I added a number of actions (in an extension, of course)
to save an image, quit it, save-and-quit it so that I can launch
SmallWiki as a daemon when the machine boots, and with the intention
to save it when the machine goes down (need to test this further since
I do not know whether OS-X will actually wait until my script is
finished before killing the headless-VW process, but ok). I added the
necessary Mac OS-X config files to do this (configurable and all).
Are other people in need of this? Is there a good place to put these
things? CincomStore maybe? With a description on some SmallWiki page?
Maybe other people can chime in and put their
configurations/scripts/batch files for other OS-s and Smalltalk
versions (or, ahum, maybe it already exists and I overlooked it)?
Roel Wuyts
roel.wuyts(a)ulb.ac.be Université Libre de
Vice-President of the European Smalltalk Users Group: