Lukas Renggli wrote:
I know that
Lukas has used Zope/Plone, but I don't know how current
his knowledge is.
My knowledge of Zope and Plone dates back to 2002. I maintained some
legacy Zope projects in 2003, but as I discovered Smalltalk and
Seaside around the same time I never went back to Python again.
I can certainly understand that.
How far is
Pier from offering a competitive experience to end users
and developers with regard to something like Plone?
I have no idea in what state Zope/Plone is today. Maybe I should give
another try ...
Only for comparison, please. :)
Is there any
interest in the community of competing in that sphere?
I am interested, but I can't compete against hundreds of companies
and thousands of developers all alone.
Super! I understand you can't compete alone. But possibly if we started
an issue tracker with things that the community would like to see in a
Pier distribution so that we have a target to work towards. Then little
by little we can improve Pier to where Pier can be a top contender in
the CMS marketplace. At least so that those of who choose Smalltalk can
use the tool of our choice and be able to justify it to any PHB as
necessary. :)
Or do most
here happily use Seaside/Pier as a toolbox and the bigger
application type CMS isn't on the radar?
I am using Seaside/Pier for all my web related projects.
As I thought.
And initially
I speak as to a basic Plone 3.0 out-of-the-box
capabilities and user/developer experience. Not necessarily the
plethora of add-on products. Those can come later if the
out-of-the-box experience is compelling enough.
To make the out-of-the-box experience of Pier (especially for those
not knowing Smalltalk and Seaside) quite some work is required.
It would be nice to start learning what those areas are from those
experienced in both. Hopefully start adding them to the above issue tracker.
Naively it
seems that content types are easier to develop in Pier as
opposed to Plone.
This is certainly the case, even if Zope/Plone improved a lot over
the past 5 years.
I was watching a presentation on b-org: Creating content types the Plone
2.5 way.…
It seemed the methodology he was using was also applicable to Plone 3.
One guy during the presentation spoke of having to touch 16 files in
order to create content types following this model which was spoken of
as being a best practice.
I would say as far as easily spying out the land, look at the
"marketing" type materials on Movies.
Most of these movies are short. You could probably watch them in a
window on one side of your monitor, and do something else on the other.
I would initially skip the Better Web Dev. and the Recovery from
Addiction unless you want to see how Plone compares to Java,... etc.
Other videos from the 2006 Plone conference.…
These are longer, but if you have a big enough monitor. You can still
watch and get something done. :)
The video by Eben Moglen was excellent and not specific to Plone.
The video What If Our Systems Could do the Rest? - Bob Boiko
was excellent for anybody doing CMS systems. Had nothing specific to Plone.
And then there is the laundry list of features in Plone 3.
That would give you some easy low lying fruit, just to see what people
exploring the CMS marketplace see when looking at Plone.
How does Pier compare when looking at these items?
What are those things that are appropriate for Seaside/Pier and we would
like to see in Pier?
What in this list are the low lying fruit?
Reasonably short time to implement.
Lets start creating a target to shoot for.
What would be good projects for Google SoC?
What about those things that Esug sponsors?
What about students in general?
What can we do to enable and give direction to anybody who would like to
participate in improving the out-of-box Pier experience. What defines
Pier core? What do we want in a rich Pier distribution?
So I think the place to start is to see how Pier compares.
Then create a roadmap to get to where we want to be.
Enable the community to step up to the plate and contribute.
We can also pay attention to where we differ philosophically and where
we can exploit that difference. ie: the web heresy type stuff.
Just some thoughts.
Thanks for your time and for your contribution to the Squeak community.
It is appreciated.
Jimmie Houchin