Hi Stephan,
I know I can subclass and modify what I need, in fact I did that.
Regarding whether to use QC or not I'm always hesitating, because,
given your two examples, I don't know which one does what. It has no
methods or class' comments.
I seems you hit many Magritte "limitations" before, and has been
"extending" it with QC, but even after watching the last ESUG
presentation QC it is unfathomable to me as a whole.
Esteban A. Maringolo
2014-09-12 7:13 GMT-03:00 Stephan Eggermont <stephan(a)stack.nl>nl>:
We have a few different subclasses doing
| retVal |
self magritteDescription startEditAll ifTrue: [ self editAll ].
retVal := (self reportClass rows: self value description: self reference)
sortEnabled: self magritteDescription isOrdered not;
retVal columns do: [ :each |
each mementoCache: self cache.
(each isKindOf: MADescribedColumn) ifTrue: [
self addColumnCommandsTo: each.
each filter: true ] ].
retVal showFilter: self magritteDescription showFilter.
retVal doubleClickCommand: self editCommand.
| retVal shown |
retVal := super buildReport.
shown := self resultsDescription shownColumns.
retVal columns do: [ :column |
| desc |
desc := shown detect: [ :each | column magritteDescription = each ]
ifNone: [ nil ].
column visible: desc notNil.
desc ifNotNil: [ column magritteDescription priority: desc priority ] ].
retVal columns sort: [ :a :b | a < b ].
^ (TBSMagritteReport rows: self value description: self reference)
sortEnabled: self magritteDescription isOrdered not;
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...