It looks like you have an instance of a CZBibList in your Pier, and
that the class is not present in the new image.
You have two options:
1. remove the CZBibList instance from your original Pier
2. load CZBibList in the second image
- If you go for this solution the problem might be that Citezen has
evolved significantly over the last months. So I would suggest to have
a look at the exact version that you have loaded in your original Pier
and load exactly those packages in the new one.
On 5 Aug 2009, at 00:16, Krishna wrote:
Hi all,
Wanted to upgrade my aging (pre 1.1) pier installation. Downloaded the
image running on the server and updated magritte and pier to their
latest revisions on lr's repository. Then following
http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/blog/export-import, I exported the current
site contents. But when importing the resulting file back into the
pier-1.2 one-click image , I get this error:
Unable to import: 'Global "CZBibList" not found'.
How do I fix this?
Worst case, I can simply copy back the updated image but I'd like to
use the new 1.2 one-click image as it is much smaller.
Thanks in advance,
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty
to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble !
-- Helen Keller
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
"Obvious things are difficult to teach."