On Jun 22, 2004, at 5:17 AM, Ralph Johnson wrote:
Seaside is cool. However, I hope that using Seaside
does not mess
up URLs. It is important that all pages have URLs that are easy to
reference from outside the wiki. Actions do not need stable URLs,
If it is on Seaside, does this mean that you are abandoning Swazoo?
Hi Ralph,
It's good to see you'll be working on this stuff at CS. A couple of
data points on Seaside.
First, Seaside does provide a mechanism for providing stable URLs to
specific resources, it just doesn't to it by default. So with a little
care, this should be fine.
Second, Seaside doesn't provide a full web server of its own, it relies
on being plugged into an external server. On Squeak this is Comanche or
Swazoo, and I believe the VW port can use Swazoo as well, though I'm
not current on that. In any case it would be easy to implement if it's
not done already: I connected Seaside to a stripped-down version of
Swazoo in Squeak by implementing one class with a handful of methods.
So congrats to the SCG guys on taking this step, I think it will be a
big win in terms of being able to integrate robust wikis into other
Seaside apps.