Hi all,
pointed out by some students of mine, Magritte-Json had a small glitch where
a getter was changed but the setter not accordingly (#useJsonKey)
While fixing this I found than Magritte-Json did not run on Squeak correctly
due to its Stack implementation being unreasonably limited. I fixed that by
adding a Magritte-Squeak-Json package. Along the way, this makes Squeak compatible
Magritte3AddOns version 3.1
which I pushed as
Magritte3AddOns version 3.1.3
(also including a Fix when loading the group #('Json')
and not having loaded Magritte with tests beforehand).
1. small getter fix
2. Magritte3AddOns on Squeak, yay
3. Magritte3AddOns config glitch fixed.
Hope that was in your interest :)