thanks for your time and review :)
- By the way we got a new client for using SmallWiki: a group from the
natural science institute
The ease to change the banner is really good.
- By the way Michele told me that we have to pay
attention with the icons of the validator because the site of w3c is
submerged by request for these logos so this is better to avoid having
- Lukas I looked inside the edit pane and I could not find the help.
May be I'm blind. I have the impression that having help at the top
level even without editing could be good.
- I saw that people are confused by folders today again.
- why when we have a folder we have *myFolder* and then it is written
because when you add a folder to a page containing folders you get:
and if you enter */MyFolder* the system does not parse it so the
end-user that was making a guess on the way he should write folder is
On Lundi, nov 10, 2003, at 20:25 Europe/Zurich, Lukas Renggli wrote:
Hi David,
as there was no SmallWiki meeting today I am giving the code-review I
prepared using e-mail else it gets out-dated. If you have any
questions, please ask.
- Get rid of #isKindOf:
- Don't emit html-tags manually using "html text:
'<b>Role:</b>'" as
this does not allow to render to another output format. Furthermore
the b-tag is depreciated and won't validate for HTML4 or XHTML. Either
use "html strong: 'Role:'" or much better "html spanClass:
with: 'Role:'" instead.
- Don't emit html-characters manually using "html text:
'&nsbsp;'" as
this does not allow to render to another output format. Use "html
space" instead.
- It is much simpler to use "html cssClass: 'label'" instead of
attributeAt: 'class' put: 'label'".
- Please don't use JavaScript, as it does not work on my machine
even-tough I have enabled it. It is easily possible to replace it with
server-side logic.
- Don't return associations of strings in AdminAction
class>>defaultMenu with tile and the url-postfix, but the actions
classes. All actions in SmallWiki are able to return their title and
know much better how to build their action-url than your code does.
- The class name of AdminAttachments doesn't seem to match what the
action is actually doing.
- AdminAttachments class>>generate_id: should be renamed to
AdminAttachments class>>generateId: as the underscore is not portable
to other Smalltalk dialects.
- Furthermore AdminAttachments class>>generate_id: should be moved to
Structure as it has nothing to do with the action-class and basically
works on a structure.
- Last but not least, you shouldn't need to use AdminAttachments
class>>generate_id: at all. As far as I understand you are building
and parsing this id to identify structures within a wiki. If you use
hidden-fields it is possible to pass objects from one action to the
other and you do not have to deal with strings, this is much simpler
and cleaner.
- I haven't implemented the read-accessor of User>>password
intentionally, because it is planned to store the password as a
hash-value instead of plain-text later on. This is a security issue to
have the password accessible like that and to render it when editing
users. It is the responsibility of the user-class to validate the
user-password using the message #validatePassword: and it should not
be accessible form outside.
- The following sections are some things that are basically reported
by SmallLint or things that I think could have been written simpler.
I've not tested the code I am suggesting, but it should work more or
Structure>>rolesIncludes: aRole
"check if a role is contained in a roles collection"
roles notNil ifTrue: [^roles includes: aRole].
Structure>>rolesIncludes: aRole
^roles notNil and: [ roles includes: aRole ]
Structure>>roleWithName: aRoleName
"returns a role with certain name"
self rolesDo: [:role | role name = aRoleName ifTrue: [^role]].
Structure>>roleWithName: aString
self roles
detect: [ :each | each name = aString ]
ifNone: [ nil ]
"return all children and their children.... as collection
- at this point: just return self in a collection "
| collection |
(collection := OrderedCollection new) add: self.
^OrderedCollection with: self
X bar
self class bar
AdminAction class>>defaultSeparator
"return the default string separator
- this seperator is used to generate the input fields of the
^String new writeStream tab contents
AdminAction class>>defaultSeparator
^String with: Character tab
AdminAction>>cutStructure: aStructureToDelete ofSelfAndChildrenOf:
"cut the indicated structure out of the tree, if the paste
destination was not in its subtree"
| errorStream myParents |
errorStream := String new writeStream.
myParents := aStructure parents copy.
(myParents includes: aStructureToDelete)
[self deleteStructure: aStructureToDelete OfSelfAndChildrenOf: self
server root]
nextPutAll: '--> Paste of ''';
nextPutAll: aStructureToDelete title;
nextPutAll: ''' was ok, but can not cut: destination is
sub-structure of the element to be pasted!'.
self error: errorStream contents]
AdminAction>>cutStructure: aStructureToDelete ofSelfAndChildrenOf:
self error: (String streamContents: [ :stream |
stream nextPutAll: ' ... ])
"split the string at its seperators and return array with substrings"
| first last collection |
collection := OrderedCollection new.
last := 0.
[first := self findFirst: [:char | char isSeparator not]
startingAt: last + 1.
first ~= 0]
[last := (self
findFirst: [:char | char isSeparator]
startingAt: first) - 1.
last < 0 ifTrue: [last := self size].
collection add: (self copyFrom: first to: last)].
^collection asArray
^self runsSatisfying: [ :each | each isSeparator ]
Lukas Renggli