Hi everybody,
I’ve a little problem with my code! I try to generate html code starting
from PIER. When I launch my widget (SPG tool) the nextPutAll method
generates an error, but I don't understand why. Can you help me to
understand that?
Thanks in advance
My project name in
squeaksource.com : StaticPierGen
Sample of my error:
MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>nextPutAll:
Debug Full Stack
• UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #nextPutAll:
temps aMessage nextPutAll: 'Welcome to Pier (formerly called SmallWiki
2), the next generation of a fully extensibl...etc...
• WAHtmlStreamDocument>>nextPutAll:
a WAHtmlStreamDocument
temps aString 'Welcome to Pier (formerly called SmallWiki 2), the next
generation of a fully extensible content ma...etc...
inst vars stream nil
htmlEncoder nil
urlEncoder nil