hi stef,
I'll fix it on friday this week. I'll let you know, when it's set up
on kilana again.
ducasse wrote:
Hi david
from what I understood the last changes of lukas cut the grass under
your feet.
I know how it is painful to work on something changing, that's why
the strategy is to
cut in small parts the admin tools and push that in the mainstream :)
this way lukas will automatically fixed them when refactoring or
improving Smallwiki.
As soon as the role interface and admin interface are back online, I
will add new wiki
to try the roles. :)
When do you think that your admin tool will be back in life?
On 22 déc. 03, at 16:10, david vogel wrote:
I put a version of the admin tool 'SmallWiki.Admin' (manage roles
and users) on the cincom store.
1) make sure that the versions af the children parents are correct,
if not do something like:
structure root fixVersion
Structure >> fixVersion
"make sure that every child has correct parent"
self childrenDo:
[:aChild |
aChild parent: self.
aChild fixVersion]
2) after loading the admin tool, make sure that the admin link will
show up in the template (thanks lukas):
SmallWiki.TemplateBodyActions allInstances do: [ :each |
each actions add: SmallWiki.AdminAction ]
to scg:
I also loaded the admintool on kilana
I saved a image before and put it into directory:
have fun,
merry christmas!