On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Gerhard Obermann
<obi068(a)gmail.com> wrote:
PRDistribution new kernel
To get Pier into my standard Squeak 3.9 image, I originally loaded
Pier from SqueakMap. However, I can see that this does not obtain
quite a few of the packages available from the Pier squeaksource
repository that are present in the one-click image.
Is there a proper procedure for to loading-up a standard Squeak image
with all of the Pier goodies?
To get PRDistribution I loaded "Pier-Setup" from Lukas' repository.
Doing this exposed PRLoader>>#load loading a bunch of other stuff.
However, I couldn't bring that in because
ScriptLoader loadLatestPackage: 'Gofer' from: ...
is not part of my ScriptLoader. The ScriptLoader version in the
one-click image is from the Pharo repository. Which begs two
important questions for those of us proceeding forward with standard
Squeak images (instead of Pharo images).
1) What is the best way to get a full, proper Pier installed in 3.9 or 3.10?
and.. 2) What are the intentions of the Pier developers, going
forward, for support of the standard Squeak images?
Despite my concern about the Pharo image and its splintering effects
on our community, as the maintainer of Magma, I can say I am
"committed" to maintaining Magma's compatibility with Pharo, even
though I intend to proceed forward with standard Squeak at this time.
I realize you cannot make any guarantee's any more than I can, but may
I at least know what the *intentions* are (as I just have)? Lukas, it
looks like you are moving forward with Pharo. But is standard Squeak
compatibility a factor for you at all in any of your decisions
regarding Pier going forward?