Now when open: MAAccountModel new
i found the error:
MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "isMultipart" is nil
^ self children anySatisfy: [ :each | each isMultipart ]
The error is erase only with componentClass set to : MAInternalEditorComponent.
Any considerations ?
This looks like a bug in the Seaside 3 port of Magritte. Can you check
if the following fix solves the problem?
Name: Magritte-Seaside-lr.334
Author: lr
Time: 9 March 2010, 7:24:18 pm
UUID: 8a2ed7db-421a-4bdf-9235-73fcf29f50f4
Ancestors: Magritte-Seaside-lr.333
- fixed various Seaside 3 realted bugs to #isMultipart in MAFileUploadComponent
- renamed #isMultipart to #requiresMultipartForm to be more intention revealing
Lukas Renggli