File uploading doesn't seem to work on this
I don't know why, I am not good enough to fix this bug :-[
Please check out this mail:
It appears that MAExternalFileModel uses a dictionary
to maintain the
directory location
classPool: a Dictionary(#BaseDirectory->UnixFileDirectory on
'/my/path/to/files' #BaseUrl->nil)
This is part of the file-model of Magritte. Some time ago I changed
this model to allow storing files externally as opposed to enforce the
use of a ByteArray within the image. The class MAExternalFileModel has
a two class variables (this is not really a dictionary) that allow to
configure these external files further. There are accessors on the
class-side that you can use to configure these settings:
MAExternalFileModel class>>baseDirectory: aStringOrDirectory
"Defines the base-directory where the files are stored. This
to a subdirectory of the current image-location."
MAExternalFileModel class>>baseUrl: aString
"Defines the base-URL where the files are served from, when
using an
external web server. This setting is left to nil by default, causing
the files to be served trough the image."
my questions are does anyone know if there are other
gotchas about
moving the image? How should I change this? Is there a global way of
changing the location for access? I have a feeling that there will be
more walkbacks because I moved the pier image from one server to
No, I don't think so. Copy the base-directory to your new server and
update the setting if necessary.
PS : Should I write SUnit? :-)
Damien Cassou a écrit :
I created a pier-blog image based on squeak-dev-83:
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Lukas Renggli