OK, what I did was subclass PRDistribution with PRCodeWikiDistribution.
I created
^ blog ifNil: [
blog := (PBBlog named: 'blog')
Then from within the Blog page, I added a new Blog post via the web
interface and saved
However, the first post doesn't show up in the widget listing new blog
posts. I found that if I manually created a new blog post from within
^ blog ifNil: [
blog := (PBBlog named: 'blog')
addChild: (
(PBPost named: 'test')
title: 'Down to test';
contents: 'test';
publication: TimeStamp now
It works. I just wasn't clear on all the stages required to start from
scratch. As far as I can tell, the first PBPost has to be created from
with the >>blog method.
Next up, creating a Pier sidebar that can display existing code, e.g.
as well as a login input pane so that my Second Life nano-client written
in squeak can be used to log into Second life and display
incoming/outgoing packets, and eventually inject/modify those packets.
The idea is to create a combination journal/blog/wiki of coding, along
with a way of annotating/commenting on the live code with UML-type
diagrams for the SL client and for the SL client-server protocols, with
an eye to letting people make suggestions on how to improve what is
already working, while showing what is working.
None of the PRDistribution templates really does what I need, but the
Blog template seems the closest to what I want to do. Part of the
process will be getting suggestions from people on how to design the
wiki/blog thingie.
On 10/12/10 9:26 PM, Nick Ager wrote:
Hi Lawson,
I'm trying to start a blog from scratch, but I can't get it to
use the built-in functionality unless I subclass the
PRDistribution code and add a "first entry" post within the method
What am I missing, or am I missing anything?
Not sure I understand what you're asking. Is it how do I create a new
blog entry? If so:
login using admin/pier (login link bottom left)
navigate to /pier/blog
click on commands:add (link bottom left)
click on the add button
on the next form fill in "source title" "contents" and press the
"current" button for the "publication" field then press
"save" button
If instead your question is how do I define my own site which
incorporates a blog? Then look at PRDistribution>>root as a starting
point for your site's structure. Experiment by removing and adding
components until you end up with a structure that works for you. In
particular you might find the following lines within
PRDistribution>>root a useful starting place for understanding how to
customise the look and feel of your site:
self rootPage localEnvironment: self mainEnvironmentPage.
self blog localEnvironment: self blogEnvironmentPage.
which will lead you into examining:
PRDistribution>> mainEnvironmentPage
PRDistribution>> blogEnvironmentPage
Hope that helps