Hi there,
for applications sometimes the user want to edit an object that has many
instvars to edit or it's composed. I guess that this could lead to forms too
large to be practical for the end user's daily use.
One solution to this is could be the partition of the form into smaller
forms with tabs. The problem is that one should describe once and let the
description prepared to be capable of build several composed forms to each
This could be archieved by different form building policies. A concrete
form build's policy should define the look of the component. To give a
simple example of this policy: if the component to build is no bigger than 6
"fields" it should be like "the normal ones" (actual default) but if
it has
more than 6 "fields", put the first 6 in a tab and the next 6 in another tab
(or more, until the total ammount of fields are reached).
The policies should be extensible but generic enough to maintain economy
in the design. Is also desirable collaboration with user's role to gain
additional customization of the observation.
A smarter policy could take advantage of grouping info set in the
descriptions. As an example some fields could belong to the
#'admin.indetification' or #'operator.identification' group/role to keep
grouped the right fields of the editor's form for the object/model.
I'd like to hear opinions about this or to know about better approachs
to solve this problem.
Sebastian Sastre
PD: as a side note I'm evaluating to use Magritte with Glorp mapping (like
Ramon Leon suggest) so, if I'm undesrtanding this right, the descriptions to
map the persistance of the model objects should be "like" another role
observating them but describing the persistance wanted.