Thanks this is integrated with
Name: Pier-Model-lr.394
Author: lr
Time: 9 October 2010, 12:42:57 pm
UUID: 91d82b31-5216-453c-9073-1c0037974923
Ancestors: Pier-Model-lr.393
- improved #suggestedName:, thanks go to Norbert for
Name: Pier-Tests-Model-lr.14
Author: lr
Time: 9 October 2010, 12:43:06 pm
UUID: 5dd6f62e-e3ce-4337-91e3-a21dafd47141
Ancestors: Pier-Tests-Model-lr.13
- improved #suggestedName:, thanks go to Norbert for
Note that I also changed the suggested name to only have lowercase
characters. While this is not really necessary I like paths to have
lowercase letters only, and this makes it easier.
On 9 October 2010 12:02, Norbert Hartl <norbert(a)> wrote:
Thanks Lukas,
but now the suggestName: is reduced. Probably it is better to implement it like in the
attached changeset.
On 09.10.2010, at 11:35, Lukas Renggli wrote:
I integrated this with
Name: Pier-Model-lr.393
Author: lr
Time: 9 October 2010, 11:34:48 am
UUID: e26211c8-e382-44d8-bb18-7222fd290a32
Ancestors: Pier-Model-lr.392
On 8 October 2010 22:50, Norbert Hartl <norbert(a)> wrote:
I like to use unicode characters in pier url
paths. Nowadays encodeForHTTP changed in pharo and squeak to do utf-8 url-safe-encoding by
default. I updated the implementation in the gemstone squeak package to do the same. So
principal there is no need to be very restrictive in pier names.
I did some tests with changing the implementation to
PRPath>>isValidName: aString
^ aString isNil not
and: [ aString isEmpty not
and: [ aString ~= self parentStructure
and: [ aString ~= self currentStructure
and: [ aString allSatisfy: [ :char | char isAlphaNumeric or: [self
validCharacters includes: char] ] ] ] ] ]
and it works well. PRPath>>validCharacters: could be reduced to just contain
'-._'. Ok, the naming needs probably to be adjusted. But I think it is worth the
What do you think?
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Lukas Renggli
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Lukas Renggli