- We cannot
create a new page!
No? There are two possibilities to create a page. The first one is go
to another page (or folder) and create a link to a non-existing
structure there, after saving you should be offered a link to create a
new page within the same folder. The second possibility is to go to a
folder, click on 'Contents' and add your page manually.
I know :-) but we get some nice rollbacks when we try such as "Message not
understood: #keysAndValuesDo:". Have you already seen it?
We use an 7.1nc image with the very last release of Smallwiki from Cincom.
What is the meaning of editing and viewing the
content of a folder?
As it was requested by the community, a Folder is a subclass of Page
now: as folders do inherit now all the functionality of a page, their
handling got somehow more complex and difficult to understand. Let me
conclude the actions available to a folder:
- View: The wiki-page associated with the folder will be rendered. As
this functionality is inherited from the Page-Class, the PageView
action is reused.
- Edit: The wiki-page associated with the folder will be edited. As
this functionality is inherited from Page-Class, the PageEdit action is
- Contents: The contents of the folder (its children) will be edited.
As this functionality *isn't* inherited from Page, I created a new
action called FolderEdit. It provides means to create, remove, copy and
move children.
- Why do we have this smalltalk sequence when
editing a folder?
[ "If you are not logged-in as administrator, please remove everything
between the square-brackets before saving the page!"
structure children isEmpty ifFalse: [
html unorderedList: [
structure children do: [ :each |
html listItem: [ html anchorWithUrl: each url do:
each title ] ] ] ].
As explained in a earlier post, this code is necessary to make the
folders look like they did in previous versions of SmallWiki. This
block renders a list with all the children of the current folder. I
plan to factor the code out to an external message, so it will look
much simpler in further version of SmallWiki:
[ structure renderChildrenListOn: html ]
Hope that helps,
Lukas Renggli
Alexandre Bergel