John McKeon <p3anoman(a)> writes:
Hello Friedrich
On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 4:45 AM, Friedrich Dominicus <
frido(a)> wrote:
Dear Seaside, Magritte experts, I probably have some easy question for
you but well with Magritte there is one thing very sparse. Examples.
I attach an example here.
What I wan is
a Magritte description for addresses which I can put into a combobox
printed like this:
zip city; street.
Use the labels: message with a block that takes an address object and returns
the string e.g. [ :addr | addr zip, ' ', addr city. '; , addr state ]
Where do I have to place this labels: ? TPersonView, TPerson or ....?
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Registriernummer: HRB232138; Geschaeftsfuehrer: Friedrich Dominicus