So now I've looked a little bit in the mailing archive, and
I'm a little bit confused:
It seems,
- that Seaside and Pier (or any other application in Seaside)
can have different security models. Both can handle its own
user lists and capabilities
- that there are 2 different security packages (unix inspired
/ ACL based)
- both Seaside and Pier can add users (or user management in
general) only by typing something (what ?) in workspace
So if this is all true - what are the plans to make this all
more integrated, so that there is only one user management,
and an application may only extend the basic mechanism from
seaside ? Or I'm completly wrong here ?
Pier is simply a seaside application, its user model is and should be
unrelated to anything Seaside does. As far as I know, Seaside doesn't
really have any security model, it's just a framework. The config
application has users, which I guess you can call part of Seaside, but
it's really just another app on top of Seaside like Pier. That Pier
offers two security packages, is good, one is simple and written by the
author of Pier, and one is more complex, especially in the UI, and
offered as an add on by some other author. So, I don't they should be
integrated in any way, they really aren't related. I would however,
like to see more info on how to integrate custom applications meant to
be hosted within Pier, with Piers default Unix Security model. How to
manage and register users from the Pier UI, etc.