Hello Lukas,
I'm looking for any comments and feedback on the
new implementation.
yes, the improvements on the parser are really great, now it's possible to
customize the smilie acronyms without touching the scanner or parser, for
And also in the model I can find a lot of improvement compared to SW1, nice.
- Improving the Renderers: e.g. error-checking, more
better user experience, etc.
creating a nice userinterface.
- Finish the existing but incomplete and add more subclasses to
WikiComponent. Currently most of them are empty classes without any
useful functunatliy.
So I try to work on the renderers and components during this week, as much
as possible.
Then I have a question to the message Session>>goTo: aModel: There you set a
new model (and renderer) to the session, so a new model is rendered with a
new renderer, when a user clicks on a link. That works perfectly if the
model has the same url as the page where this link was into. For instance,
when I'm on
http://localhost:8080/page1, then the Edit or History links
works well. But what is when there's an internal link in the wiki, for
instance a link to page3, which would be accessible under the url
http://localhost:8080/folder2/page3? Then I try to goTo the model of page3,
but the request has still the url of page1, so I can't resolve the structure
of page3 from the url of the request, but I will goTo again to page1 (as
defined in message Session>>initializeModel, because the resolved structure
is not the same as the structure in model).
We could change initializeModel to not resolve the url, but then there won't
be these clear urls like in SW1 anymore. And I think you want to have these
urls with the titles of a page in, even when SW is under Seaside now, I
So I'm wondering how to achieve that, to have these fine urls when using
Seaside. It's not possible to simply redirect to the url of a structure as
in SW1, because the Seaside session would be lost then.
kind regards,