Lukas et-al,
I figured I'd try to update the Magritte Tutorial on the VW side
(Magritte is now running well on VW care of yesterday's efforts --
Thanks!) (and I'll see if I can move the changes over to Squeak if
there's interest) to no longer issue complaints about using deprecated
methods and was wondering if someone could point me in the right
direction for one of the updates as a sample..
Below is one of the complaining methods:
MADescription>>auto: aSelector label: aString priority: aNumber
self deprecated: 'Obsolete, use instance side configuration methods.'.
^ self accessor: (MAAutoSelectorAccessor selector: aSelector) label:
aString priority: aNumber
^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'canton' label: 'Canton'
priority: 40)
options: #( 'Zurich' 'Bern' 'Luzern' 'Uri'
'Unterwalden' 'Glarus' 'Zug' 'Freiburg'
'Solothurn' 'Basel'
'Schaffhausen' 'Appenzell' 'St. Gallen' 'Graubunden'
'Aargau' 'Thurgau'
'Ticino' 'Vaud' 'Valais' 'Neuchatel' 'Geneve'
'Jura' );
reference: MAStringDescription new;
I tried converting the above #descriptionCanton to the following but it
didn't work -- perhaps I'm misinterpretting the object layout.. Any
" OLD CODE WAS: ^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'canton' label:
'Canton' priority: 40)"
^(self accessor: (MAAutoSelectorAccessor selector: 'canton' label:
'Canton' priority: 40))
options: #( 'Zurich' 'Bern' 'Luzern' 'Uri'
'Unterwalden' 'Glarus' 'Zug' 'Freiburg'
'Solothurn' 'Basel'
'Schaffhausen' 'Appenzell' 'St. Gallen' 'Graubunden'
'Aargau' 'Thurgau'
'Ticino' 'Vaud' 'Valais' 'Neuchatel' 'Geneve'
'Jura' );
reference: MAStringDescription new;