I'm a bit confused using relationships between objects in Magritte.
Let's start with MAToOneRelationDescription.
I've a Contracts system were each contract have 1:1 Relation with
Suppliers (another collection of the system), then on the form
to add contracts, on the place of Supplier I wants to show a combo
with, for example, all the suppliers names loaded on the
suppliers collection, to select one to use in the current contract.
Very common need I think (Is the way I used to do with Mewa).
But trying with different options (not found much doc about each
possible method to use on MAToOneRelationDescription) I get
a "create" button than, certainly, is not what I need and really not
understand the fundamentals of this button on a single 1:1
Any clarification about this topic, examples, documentation, etc will
be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I'm using Seaside 3.0 with installed on Pharo rc2 with the
Configuration provided by Dale.
Germán S. Arduino <gsa @ arsol.net> Twitter: garduino
Arduino Software & Web Hosting