Some comments related to my try to load Smallwiki with Squeak 3.7 or 3.9.
First, the installer script you provided does not work for me. I had to install all the
packages manually.
When I evaluate 'SWServer startOn: 9090' I got immediately a rollback:
MessageNotUnderstood: OrderedCollection>>removeAtIndex: not found.
Fine, I just replace this call by removeAt:
Here a more serious issue. SWServer>>start is abstract (contains self
subclassResponsability). And it is invoked by StartOn:host:ip:.
I did not check how is it in VW... I do not have so much time.
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 07:53:58PM +0100, Chris Burkert wrote:
Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I will definitely test it.
Great! I just have some time so I want to get Squeak SW 0.9.53 to a
stable state and not leave it buggy.
Is the storage mechanism works in the same way
than in VisualWorks?
There is only ImageStorage which checks in an interval if something
changed. If so it copies a backup of the old imagefile and then saves
the image.
I believe there was SIXXStorage still in it, but obviously this has gone
... ups ... did I miss something?
5 minutes later ... I removed SIXX as prerequisite.
5 minutes later ... I found a bug in storage ... one less :-)
Chris Burkert
Alexandre Bergel