I try to use MADateDescription but an error occurs in WAMiniCalandar.
a fix:
original :
'From Squeak3.9gamma of ''23 July 2006'' [latest update: #7061] on 15
February 2007 at 3:52:53 pm'!
!WAMiniCalendar methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'ft 2/15/2007 15:51'!
renderRowForWeek: aWeek on: html
html tableRow: [
aWeek do: [:ea | self renderCellForDate: ea on: html].
]! !
fix :
'From Squeak3.9gamma of ''23 July 2006'' [latest update: #7061] on 15
February 2007 at 3:52:53 pm'!
!WAMiniCalendar methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'ft 2/15/2007 15:51'!
renderRowForWeek: aWeek on: html
html tableRow: [
aWeek every:(Duration days:1) do: [:ea | self renderCellForDate: ea
on: html].
]! !
maybe I have something wrong with my image / Seaside config!