Lukas, I saw you disabled the traversing for Single
and Multiple-
Yep, since the option descriptions have fixed options anyway, it
probably doesn't make sense to check them at all. This is the
responsibility of the developer to get them right.
Is there any reason not doing this for the ToOne and
ToMany as well? I just removed the last line
self visit: self object description
MAValidatorVisitor>>visitToOneRelationDescription: aDescription
This prevents traversing but still checks for validateKind.
Any objections to remove this from Magritte?
In most cases it probably doesn't make sense to traverse the graph.
The only possible problem I see is when a to-one/to-many description
is directly in-lined into the parent editor. I removed those lines
for now and we will see if this turns out to be a problem. For me
this is fine.
Lukas Renggli