Hey Dario,
I can try and help.
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 6:34 AM, dtrussardi(a)tiscali.it <
dtrussardi(a)tiscali.it> wrote:
i'm interested to display and change the priority of MADescription
components when the browser display Halos.
For example i have a class with descriptionA, descriptionB.
For display the priority i change the WAClassnameHaloPlugin renderOn:
For change i create the WAPriorityHaloPlugin.
In the relative execute method i test if component is anMAComponent :
self target description respondTo: #priority .
If yes i,m interested to open the Browser or WABrowser on the relative
The first question is: how i can define the name of descriptionA from
anObject with magritte structure ?
into execute context of WAPriorityHaloPlugin i see aObject with
memento, description, accessor ..... but i d'ont found link to the relative
generating descriptionA.
Given that aObject's description is a container you can iterate through the
contained descriptions looking for a match on the selector of the
aObject description detect: [ :each | each accessor selector =
#theSelectorIWant ]
The second question is: after change the descriptionA with the WABrowser
and return to the halo browser how i can update the view to reflect the
change ?
i have do some test but for now ti need to close and reopen the
Descriptions are cached so sending #flush to MANamedBuilder default forces
the (container) descriptions to be rebuilt with the modified descripitons. I
dont know if that will work well in your situation.
Best of luck with it
Thanks for any considerations.
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...