I'm not sure the replacement of
visitNumberDescription: aDescription
| contents |
contents := self contents.
contents isEmpty
ifTrue: [ MAReadError signal ].
(contents occurrencesOf: $-) > 1
ifTrue: [ MAReadError signal ].
(contents indexOf: $-) > 1
ifTrue: [ MAReadError signal ].
(contents occurrencesOf: $.) > 1
ifTrue: [ MAReadError signal ].
(contents allSatisfy: [ :each | '+-0123456789.eE' includes: each ])
ifFalse: [ MAReadError signal ].
super visitNumberDescription: aDescription
visitNumberDescription: aDescription
| isContentsValid |
isContentsValid := NumberParser isNumber: self contents.
isContentsValid ifFalse: [ MAReadError signal ].
super visitNumberDescription: aDescription
works cross-platform.
There are two 455s, and 456 misses changes from both.
Merged in 457