into MADescription and commented out the code for
anObject. Turns out that fixed my issue. Validation was failing
because the objects I had in a single option description were
proxies coming from goods, and they fail validateKind:, has someone
else run into this? Guess I'll just leave it commented out for now
until there's a fix, or I figure out what I'm doing wrong.
The method #validateKind: for MASingleOptionDescription look like (I
merged in the super-call):
MASingleDescription>>validateKind: anObject
(anObject isKindOf: self kind)
ifFalse: [ MAKindError on: self ].
(self isExtensible or: [ self options includes: anObject ])
ifFalse: [ MAKindError on: self ].
anObject is used as a receiver for #isKindOf: and #= within
#includes:. I think the #isKindOf: should resolve any proxies, but
there is probably a problem with the #includes:.
I think the point is that your project-class doesn't implement #= and
therefor defaults to #==, so you the #includes: identity-compares
every project with the proxy ... what fails of course.
Lukas Renggli