* How do I create a LaTex-Document with the content of a SmallWiki?
Which expression do I have to evaluate?
- load the bundle SmallWiki Examples
- in the SmallWiki workspace inspect server root and navigate to the
page you want to turn into latex (currently the visitors do not support
rendering a whole wiki at once, but this could be changed easily)
- inspect one of the following the expression in the evaluation-pane:
(VisitorRendererLatex render: self) contents
VisitorRendererLatex render: self on: aStream
* How do I create one large XHTML file with the content of a SmallWiki?
This is basically the same as above, you just have to use
VisitorRendererHtml instead. It is not needed to load the
examples-bundle as this functionality is provided by the core-system
already. Support for rendering multiple pages is also missing
right-now, there was no need to do this up-to now (calling super
acceptFolder: aFolder in VisitorRendererHtml>>acceptFolder: aFolder
should change this behaviour, but will most certainly break the wiki,
so it is probably a better idea to create a new subclass).
Lukas Renggli