On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Mariano Martinez
Peck<marianopeck(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Nicolas: Now I have more problems :(
I create a folder in /tmp/galeria and then create a galery in that folder.
There are 8 pictures.
When I click on send, I have this problem:
when it does:
validImage := PGSqueakImageAssistant validFile: (PGGallery
globalLocalPicturesPath), (dir / e name)
In this case, (PGGallery globalLocalPicturesPath), (dir / e name) shows:
This is wrong, and should be
validImage := PGSqueakImageAssistant validFile: (PGGallery
globalLocalPicturesPath), '/', (dir / e name)
yes, globalLocalPicturesPath and globalPicturesPath should end up with
a '/' (I'll push an update to enforce that).
With that, it worked.
Now, I have another problem. It seems it finds the images as they are all as
children in the "galeria" component. However, they are not rendered. Instead
of it, there is a text that says: "8 pictures left to process..." What
does it mean? why they aren't rendered?
they are handed over to the image process object. The message simply
means that it knows there is 8 pictures, but that the corresponding
thumbnails and resized versions aren't found. This may have failed due
to the paths, try again clicking on import local files ?
In addition, I don't see "Import Local Pictures" command, only
"Import Zip
with pictures". Any idea?
er... that's weird ! import local pictures should be here, look at the
PGImportLocalFilesCommand class.
Nicolas Roard
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound
they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams