Hi Lukas,
I'm happy to report that everything works fine now with Seaside 2.8
and the latest Magritte / Pier, starting from a Squeak 3.9 standard
image. .
On 9/26/07, Lukas Renggli <renggli(a)iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
A small
problem remains: Some unit tests for Pier give errors,
complaining about BlockContext>>sunitOn:do: [...]
It looks like you are on a very old version of Pier. Did you update
SqueakMap before loading the package?
Exactly! That was the problem.
FWIW: As you
said, getting Seaside 2.8 via the Universe did not work.
I tried to go from Seaside 2.7 to 2.8 in my existing image, squeak
Updating from Seaside 2.7 to Seaside 2.8 is tricky.
I rebuilt my configuration from scratch, using Installer scripts. I
guess I'll try to go from standard squeak 3.9 to full Pier / Magritte
again to make sure it works. It's a pity that I could not get this to
run using Package Universe.
Thanks again