May be this indicated that a isVisible protocol is missing on command?
On 18 oct. 05, at 21:48, Philippe Marschall wrote:
We have several hacks for this kind of stuff in
Spielverderber. We
have several commands that we don't want to show, either because it
makes no sense or because to user has no permission.
You might might want to look there for ideas.
On a general note I'd appreciate it if the commands in the commands
widget were sorted by label name.
2005/10/18, Damien Cassou <damien.cassou(a)>et>:
I've created a SWGAlbum which inherit from SW2Page. This class has an
instance variable called renderer. I want the user to be able to
this instance variable selecting a value in a list :
^ (MASingleSelectionDescription selector: #renderer label: 'Type'
priority: 110 default: SWGAlbumViewer)
options: (MADynamicObject on: [ SWGAlbumViewer
withAllConcreteClasses ]);
So I have created a specialized SWGEditAlbumCommand which inherit
SW2EditPageCommand. I have also created a SWGAlbum>>editCommand
returning a new SWGEditAlbumCommand.
My problem is that 2 'Edit' links appears in the command widget. One
from SW2EditPageCommand and one from SWGEditAlbumCommand. How can
I hide
the one from SW2EditPageCommand ?
Other question, how can I replace the 'Edit' button on top-left of
window (next to 'View') for it to launch my SWGEditAlbumCommand
and not
SW2EditPageCommand ?
Thank you