Hi Maurice,
I am able to create SWResource with a jpg. When I
view the link the
image appears as expected. However, I was expecting that when I set
the embedded flag the image would also show in the pages which contain
an internal link to it. Is this right?
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly: The thing is that
SmallWiki tries to inline the resource whenever you put enable the
embedding-flag. It simply creates a <a href="..."> when you disable
this flag.
However there had been a problem detecting the correct mime-type in
Squeak, I don't know if this is working now. SmallWiki has to know it
in order to be able to inline the resource correctly (e.g. for images
it has to write an <img src="...">, for videos an <embed
How can I get a picture that I have included as an
SWResource to
display on other pages?
If your picture has got the title 'My Picture', create a link like *My
Picture* at the place in your wiki where you want to include it.
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli