Hi Roger,
I seem to remember the same issue with display - I can’t remember if it’s called at all.
Regardless, I opted to set a reference description along the lines of:
| template |
template := GeoLocation new.
^ MAToManyRelationDescription new
accessor: #’geoLocations';
classes: { GeoLocation };
label: ‘Locations';
reference: template descriptionDisplayString asContainer;
…and the descriptionDisplayString would be something like:
"<magritteDescription> note the comment to stop this becoming part of the
default description"
^ MAStringDescription new
accessor: #’printString';
label: ‘Location';
priority: 100;
Let me know how it goes.
On 30 May 2015, at 12:09 am, Rogier Schaaf
<rogier.schaaf(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I have a default Magritte edit form for a model that maintains a relation to a single
instance of GeoLocation, a model object with two instance variables: longitude and
latitude. The relation is defined as a MAToOneRelationDescription.
On the form, the instance of GeoLocation is displayed as the integer of the longitude
attribute, however I want a representation like:
lon: 12.67, lat: 34.09
I looked at MAToOneRelationDescription and its superclass MAElementDescription implements
a #display: method which either accepts a symbol or a block to customize the display.
I've implemented a #printString method with GeoLocation and passed that to the
relation description as:
display: #printString
display: [ :anObject | ^ anObject printString ]
But as far as I can tell both the symbol and the block get ignored when displaying the
GeoLocation instance in the Magritte form.
What should I change to get the required display?
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...